
112 Audio Reviews

59 w/ Responses


Nice solid beat. I like it, and the ambient effects move with it really well. I think the pad that comes in at :39 is a little too transient for this type of groove though. It'd be sweet to have something a little more substantial driving right down the center to keep it all together. at 1:20 I think it sounds a lot better, but it still seems like that first pad is blurring up the works a little too much.
Can't recommend anything to do about it, so 10/10, otherwise fantastic job.

Hyperion666 responds:

yeh i know exactly what u are talking about i was stuck on that part it pops but at the same time sizzles i like it but at the same time it feels something is missing from that spot well like i said it was just thrown together and i liked it ill mess with it some more see if i cant make it explode in my ear.... (in a good way) thnx a lot for the review much appreciated.


Definitely minimalistic, but not really in a good way. It's very repetitive, and it's a little too attention grabbing for an ambient piece. It sounds alright, but I can immediately recognize the loop from garage band, and I don't mean to be harping on you, but you really ought to compose something more heartfelt or original if you really want to go with this style.
You chose a pretty good synth for the song, and the idea is nice, it just didn't come out well in my opinion.
Please don't hate me.

totojimbob responds:

Don't worry mate, I don't hate you, I see exactly where you are coming from. I understand that this doesn't fit the exact mold of an ambient piece, but I couldn't quite find a place to categorize this, and I hate to use the miscellaneous option.

Yes, this is a loop. I'm still working on my ability to create melodies, and the loops really help me out. In some of my newer works, I've worked on my melody creation, but I'm still not near where I want to be.

Nevertheless, I still feel like this is one of the nicest pieces of sound I've produced to date.

Thanks for the review,
God is Great


Oh snap! You have a good lead here, and your buildup is just great, but you've got to come in with MOOOREEEE. Get some different percussion in there, some heavy kicks, some snappy snares, some high hats, customize your drums a bit. You've got a nice Niiice lead, and you could make this awesome.
Once you amp up your percussion, add some treble parts too, you've eighted your instrumentation heavily on certain parts of the sound spectrum, and it's making your song come across as unbalanced. Maybe if you're not comfortable adding harmony or complementary leads, try duplicating your lead and changing the synth until it sounds a little more balanced, and introduce each one as the song grows.
Also, that sound effect you have at the end would be good to emphasize earlier in the song too. You definitely know how you WANT this to sound, it's just not there yet.

DavidRx responds:

thx for the review man i appreciate it :]
RLY good review.. im currently testing out n playing around whit the current project...im gona remake the drumz n put some new in

Bass,FX,percussion an master some shizz up.....thx dude :)

Hey. That was cool.

It's interesting, I can hear a lot of chaoz Fantasy in here, even though everything seems radically different. Even though all of your music is really good, I can tell that you've improved significantly since then.
The underlying chorus added a really great effect through the entire song, and the synths were very well... synthesized-- er created. The buildups are all just absolutely chill, and the movement from phase to phase is famous. I could almost see this as some sort of video game track too, because it has a nice catch. It doesn't have quite enough of the simplicity that would stick this in someone's head and cause them to hum it for hours, but you more than make up for that with a great combination of effects and instruments, percussion, and timing that makes this piece instantly recognizable to those who have heard it only once or twice.
I especially like how you moved the lead back and forth between the foreground and background, that was really cool, it emphasized some of your more subdued parts, and made the song more instantly appreciable and accessible to the average joe shmo listener. A great technique indeed!

So before I go on for too long, great job, I really like it!

Sweet dude!

While I think this is really cool stuff, I understand the need of a break every once in a while. Remember, music isn't a static art, if you don't change you're never going to learn anything about yourself-- even if some of the stuff you come out with along the way isn't as good as you had hoped.

I was a little uneasy at the intro to this one- I was like, what? Trance plz? But when it really opened up I was like "Wo!" "w!" so cool job. The mastering is good, the percussion is good, the transitions feel natural, and tying the piano back in with the acoustic guitar was pretty cool. I think this would be categorized on some border between trance, dance, and misc. I look forward to whatever you come up with after your break! Good luck with life!

dj-Nate responds:

Thank you so much for all of the support. It means more than you know.

Weoaaswvo-- cool

I really like the opening! It's pretty sweet. When you come in with the strings it's a little off though. It'd be cool if you could get some better samples for that-- sounds like it might be the Octavian orchestral strings from FL? I like the notes, but the instrumentation at that one part is kind of blah. It gets a little better at 1:23, and I really like 2:03 and onward. The percussion is really well done, it fits nicely and moves along in a really solid and driving way... (The only thing I would like to see is more snare)
I like where you went with the song, and it's really a style unlike I've heard before. Where did you get the inspiration? It seems kind of unstructured, but at the same time good to listen to! 8D.
The ending was a little abrupt though.
So awesome overall! 10/10 5/5 because I can imagine this with a better string section.


This reminds me of my old garage band days. This is pretty good for having only used the built in loops, but I would recommend writing more original music. Have you tried manually writing notes in using the edit feature?

It's pretty bad, but keep it up- if you like making music enough you can get a whole lot better. This is pretty much how my first song was- so don't lose heart! Practice practice!

Cool dude!

Hey! That's not too bad. My only complaint is that it's kind of empty. there's just a lot of unused sound space through the whole song, you definitely got some sweet drums, and your progression is catchy, I really like the super high synth in the background.
If you added more of a bassline, kind of filled out the song, varied your percussion a teensy bit more, this would definitely be ten ten!
Also, GARAGE BAND?! This is great for garage band, that's where I started-- if you check out any of my songs that aren't under 'latest submissions', those are my early garage band pieces. But seriously, I think you should consider moving up to FL studio if you can, it gives you so much more control over your synths and mastering. It takes some time to learn, but if you end up with a copy somehow let me know and I can give you some tips.

csdthegreat responds:

Completely agree. After going back and listening, I did notice a lot of emptiness... of course, I didn't want to fill it up *too* much... my dreams are sort of empty. Again, FL Studio means money and Windows. I'm just not into illegal downloads... I used the demo for a day (a year ago, when Parallels worked) and got confused, but I'd probably be able to understand it now.

nice sound

This is pretty cool dude, I like the feeling you put across in the beginning. More toward the middle it seemed like the supporting synth just went too crazy and sort of made the song sound a little too harsh. More toward the end you kind of resolved that, but overall this is just WAY too-- all over the place.
Great intro though, I think you should maybe try to do something with that in the future.

csdthegreat responds:

Hey, you didn't give it a 1! :D I'm impressed! I was going towards harsh. I listen to a lot of speedcore/gabber/hardcore, so it's hard not to. Also, that swishy sound in the into wasn't an audio clip... just saying. It was a heavily modded synth. I really need Windows and FL... but that would require money... grrrrrr...


I did NOT know this was from Doctor mario. Have you ever played brain age 2? It has a tetris-like game with pills that has this as it's theme song. Very cool, I like your choice of lead, it's very true to the original and it sort of pushes this feeling of subdued insanity.
The fade out isn't my favorite, but it works out well in this case. I guess the song was originally written to loop?
My favorite part was the dissonance of the organ at 0:41 and onward. 'tis a catchy tune, and done well.

Cosmos8942 responds:

I have played BA2. Pardon the fade-out...when I get annoyed with a piece and just want to move onto the next one I tend to get a mite bit lazy. Thus the fade out x.x.

The song was originally written to loop actually (it was in a video game :o) and I just sorta polished it up a bit :3.

In the end I am glad that you enjoyed it, but my favorite part was near the end...I wonder if you can guess it.



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