Oh cool-- WAIT AAHHG!
Dude, I like your composition, but I gotta say, the autotune sort of ruins it for me. It'd be sweet if you could have a vocalist sing without it and slice and arrange it the same way, I'd like it so much better.
Your intro was attractive, well balanced, well arranged, the piano was a cool element, and your bass is WIGgety WHACK in a good way. Didn't really seem like canon at first, but you know what- there was some of that in there, so cool, whatever!
Yeah, so all I can say is I'd ditch the autotune and cut a little of the treble on the lead singer.
There's so much that's good about this song that's lost to the lyrics! But anyway, good job otherwise.
5/5 8-10
I want to give you 6-7/10, but I just gave a song 7/10 that wasn't as good at this, and your composition is just fantastic, but AUGH the vocals. Keep it up. (some of it)