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Recent Movie Reviews

11 Movie Reviews


This i really good, instant five, but it is a little hard to follow at some points. Like, the kid becomes a baby and the whole world is in his imagination? I mean, it doesn't make a lot of narrative sense. Do you know what I'm saying?

I was really drawn in though, I wanted to watch more.


This is better than... those other ones.
You know?

Not all the way. But yes. It would have been a little funnier if you had actually animated like a 2-3 second intense action sequence buildup that you could cut off. The timing was goooood though.

Soapbubble responds:

Yeah, that would be funnier. Buuut that wouldn't be a proper CD flash if it required work.


That's not a bad idea- but it would have been better if you had filmed it outside, and maybe spent some more time drawing a proper dashboard.

So not executed well, but... good idea.

alafraga responds:

No, you got it all wrong. This was something i wanted to see what people think, you know what i mean.

Recent Game Reviews

6 Game Reviews


This was pretty good. I think your best tips were in flagging reviews and in voting scales. I guess in audio I'm a stat whore and in flash I'm a regular ol' voter.

I can't decide whether or not I should flag the review below, though, so maybe you've failed in that respect.

Anyway, good job.
Oh yeah-- you should add tips and tricks for getting front paged on the audio portal. It's all about the Tuesdays.


I haven't played a flash game all the way through before! This really hooked my attention, and the leveling up made it far more interesting as the game went on. The turrets didn't seem quite as cool as they could have been though. Maybe make them fire bright lasers or something?
But seriously fun! I look forward to it if you make another.


What you have here is awesome. This is a graet piece of solid gameplay-- and a good place to start-- but not a great place to stop!
I played it for a while until I died, so you did this well... but the game is very shallow after one bout.

Try adding differnt enemies or powerups, make the game a little more deep or meaningful!

Recent Audio Reviews

112 Audio Reviews

The third quarter has a very Ocarina of time vibe, very interesting composition overall. Nice balance and range of sounds and textures. Doesn't seem to linger in any one spot for too long. I see that it is probably meant to loop - the ending was otherwise kind of abrupt, understandable though if the use case is looping. OH! If the use case is looping though, maybe that low pass filter in the beginning should come back at the end? Just to make the tonal quality a little more consistent on the loop.

One piece of (subjective?) criticism I would offer is that, to me, the pulsing wind lead in the second phrase (after the intro and first paragraph of the song) - and then again in the final phrase of the song comes off a little bit harshly - maybe a teensy bit shrill? This is actually an issue I run into sometimes with my own instruments and I don't know if I understand the technical aspects enough to suggest a remedy. Maybe it's something a parametric EQ could fix - I think it actually only stands out on the higher notes that repeat. That said, if it can be fixed by an EQ, it very well could be my sound system and not your mix. Or my ears, lol.

I like your use of rests in the composition too. You use silence well to convey pace and contrast. I also like the tasteful application of note bends. That is something I personally have not done much, so props for wielding those effectively.

Rainful responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Appreciate it man!!<3

You've got some very cool sounds here, and the dynamics are good across the song as a whole. I would consider it an improvement if, in the final third of the song you varied the recurring portion (-,._'.,_-'_'-,._) between the heavy guitar riffs more - the riffs themselves are a good break, but there isn't enough going on melodically in between to make it seem like a cohesive part of the rest of the song. It feels more like a loop during that part in particular- but I feel like there is a lot of opportunity to do something really interesting with those parts to take the song to somewhere new!

Thanks for posting the song! A pleasure to listen to.

I used this in a video, how could I not rate it full marks?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEBw_b M2FvU&feature=youtu.be

Recent Art Reviews

11 Art Reviews


This one is pretty good! I think you conquered the highlights on this really well, and I think what you need is some darker shades on the hind parts facing away from the light source (the backs of the front legs, the rear end, the back of the tail, just under the head at the neck, etc). But generally this looks a lot better than the other one I reviewed! It seems like you've improved quite a bit since you drew that one.
I understand from the outline that this cat has a more subtle kind of fur, which would require less texture, however a very subtle texture for the fur would make a world of difference as far as making the body look a little more convincing. Some shading behind the shoulder blade might also help that shoulder guard look more like it's ON the cat as opposed to next to it.
Overall, good job!

PS: The necklace has an awful texture!! The grid lines should not all be aligned like that! Bleeeeeggghhhhh!

It's okay!

This actually strikes me more as a fox, due to the elongation of the snout and pointed ears. I can see the cat body and general shape in there, but originally my impression was "FireFox".

Its interesting what you've done with the piece. It looks like some good gradient work. The piece sort of lacks a certain pop, or contrast because of the linear method of shading (ie, the gradients), so next time I think you'd get better results shading by hand. On second glance it seems as though you HAvE done some by-hand shading, but more of that would be great, add some shadow on the body from the tail, add a little shading from the fur onto the body to add texture, make the fangs exist outside of the outline of the head (maybe they're gray markings, but they should be textured like fur if they are!) and I think you'll have a great piece here.
It's a good start, but you're not quite there. Keep at it!


Oh man this is sweet. It reminds me of a quasar jet punching a hole through interstellar gas. I think it would be better if you gave the long streamlike part a little more definition from the gas cloud, but other than that I think you did a great job. What did you make this in?

Kaze666x responds:

I made it in Photoshop CS3

Haphazardly assembling music since 2004.

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