I know what you're thinking. I know you'e been waiting. How will I make it up to you?
Yes, I'm talking to you, my seven fans. While probably half of you (half of seven?) don't even pay much attention to what I do here anyway, I must apologize to those of you that do. I've been in a creative slump, kind of whirring away at some kind of life, getting a lot of things done, but absolutely cutting myself off from creative junk like writing music.
It's sad. I know. Please bare with me.
It's like I'm building up momentum, storing up steam for a giant explosion. It has to happen.
And when it does, I'll have some good stuff for you. I've been practicing even though I haven't been completing. Between working on new synths, finding better ways to master, figuring out the delicate balance of bass and percussion to lead, trying to master 'the melody', I've been working.
What have I got to show? Zilch. Bupkis. But for you, 3.5 loyal fans, I save big surprise. When will come? I don't know.
You wait?
I wait.
I tell when here.
You go do something productive.