Haphazardly assembling music since 2004.

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Joined on 5/18/08

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sumguy720's News

Posted by sumguy720 - July 27th, 2009

I submitted some of my art.

I'm really into the "My hands aren't steady so I'll write a program that will do it for me" kind of art.
I don't care if you think it's not art, because it is.
It's the art of logic.

Check it out under the art tab on my page.

If you like it, please scout me!

Posted by sumguy720 - July 13th, 2009

People who zero bomb acceptable work suck.
People who steal work and call it their own suck.

They are an inhibition to the high potential of creative flow on the internet, and they ought to either get lost, or start contributing constructively to the world.

It doesn't make sense to me.

Check out my crappy MS paint zero bomb:

Zero bombers and plagiarism

Posted by sumguy720 - June 17th, 2009

I know what you're thinking. I know you'e been waiting. How will I make it up to you?
Yes, I'm talking to you, my seven fans. While probably half of you (half of seven?) don't even pay much attention to what I do here anyway, I must apologize to those of you that do. I've been in a creative slump, kind of whirring away at some kind of life, getting a lot of things done, but absolutely cutting myself off from creative junk like writing music.
It's sad. I know. Please bare with me.

It's like I'm building up momentum, storing up steam for a giant explosion. It has to happen.
And when it does, I'll have some good stuff for you. I've been practicing even though I haven't been completing. Between working on new synths, finding better ways to master, figuring out the delicate balance of bass and percussion to lead, trying to master 'the melody', I've been working.

What have I got to show? Zilch. Bupkis. But for you, 3.5 loyal fans, I save big surprise. When will come? I don't know.

You wait?
I wait.
I tell when here.

You go do something productive.

Yeah sorry

Posted by sumguy720 - May 3rd, 2009

So I wrote a new song yesterday (thanks THS), and I've since updated it--
rant rant

Hey, whoseherwhats did the credit thing and blah blah blah everything is great now! The final submission can be found under my recent subs. Check it out, rate kindly and review critically!

Posted by sumguy720 - April 15th, 2009

So I've hit a slump in writing music, and I'm thinking about moving back to making games. Unfortunately these are NOT flash games-- which I think I'll change soon. I've got to get my hands on a copy of... whatever it is you use to make flash animations, and we'll see after that.
Anyway, sorry to all of you who have anticipated music from me, I'll be out for at least a few more weeks. Something's got to give.
Hey! In the meantime though, you can check out my page: HERE and under the 'games' tab you can get a look at some stuff I'm working on.
I finally released Linearity, which is about a two year side project of mine, so that's the biggest news there.

All my games are in a .exe format, and due to the dangers surrounding such a format I'd like to note that all my games are virus free.


Posted by sumguy720 - March 31st, 2009

If you're reading this, review my audio please! I need feedback like a starving Albanian child needs bread and clean water.
Thank you for listening, rating, reviewing, and dare I say, liking.

Posted by sumguy720 - March 22nd, 2009

I cannot describe the pain and the safety of silence.

That is all.


Posted by sumguy720 - December 23rd, 2008

New version of conqueror, coming to a galaxy near you this year.

Conqueror 2

Posted by sumguy720 - May 30th, 2008

I'm about to release my first fully complete game called 'Conqueror'. It's a space strategy game and I think it's really excellent.

I'm using some audio from this site in teh game too, and yes- credits are there!

I'm attatching a screenshot from the game, just before I (red) dominate the galaxy. This particular game lasted like a half hour. So hey, uh... if you want you should check it out and rate it! You'd have to trust me enough to download a .exe, or trust yoyogames enough to install an activeX control.

If I'm not supposed to mention another site here I can edit, but here's the link, check it out!
http://www.yoyogames.com/games/show/35 290
