
59 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 112 Reviews

Nicely Done

This sounds great, I love the intro.
I felt just a little lost going through the pads at 0:59; felt as though the song was kind of weak, but then that feeling totally resolved at 1:55. So I'd like to hear more of purposeful sound going through that middle part without doing away with that nice contrast you have going for you.
I could also be biasing myself towards some sort of dance track.

FlamingFirebolt responds:

Yeah i will probably will 'fix' the pads in the middle. But they did a pretty good job holding it anyways, so i couldn't be bothered to drastically change it. But i knew i would get this comment ( IM LOOKING AT YOU KARCO!). Anyhow, i'm seriously considering what the hell i should do with this song. Might think of vocals, but that might ruin the whole feeling etc. Music can be so hard :/.
Anyways, if you want to make 'some sort of dance track'. I would say, go for it! I haven't checked your page but you probably don't make dance ;p. I suggest the audio forum is a great place to ask around.



This is good! I don't see how it could have under three stars--
I like how your instrumentation works, it doesn't clash at all, and they definitely make the song more interesting instead of cluttering it up. I can actually hear all the parts at all times--pretty much.
So you put this together really nicely, there's just nothing really really super new I guess. Actually no, maybe that's not it. It is pretty new sounding, but-- AHah, I see.
Dude. If you made the drums more... dance like-- had them stick out a little more.
Yeah it's the drums. keeping this one down. If you worked a little harder on drums, made some of the leads stick out a little more, this would be an awesome song. It REALLY REALLY needs a more followable beat. This would be an awesome AWESOME song if that was there. Nice job.

GCanal responds:

thanks alot man.

This is sweet!

I really like this song, the combination of the ambient guitar style and the high octane synths flows really well-- you'd expect them to clash, or seem to divorced from one another but they go together surprisingly well.
The beats are good for most of the song, just that one part between like 30 sec and 1:00-- that's pretty good, but a little too repetitive. It seems like it should be going more toward a drum and bass style right there, but it kind of falls over into an accompanying part without a full, intense lead to follow (be it drums, bass, saw, whatever)
Really cool though, I see that you put a lot of work into this. It might seem like a nightmare to go back to it, but I think it'd be really cool if you could update this song sometime.

Sp1r1T responds:

Adding DnB to Dance? It'll be like, trancestep or something :P

I probably wont go back to it :P


I guess it's not the lyrics that make the voice!

Sooo weird. Cool though, I like it, it's AWESOME So cool. I've never heard anything like this before, so new+weird=Awesome!
So like
Good job! I can't recommend any improvements.

Dj-Rippa responds:

Thank you very much!
A top notch review Id say :D
glad ya liked it ;)

Kind of neat, but unoriginal in a way

This is pretty good, but the uh... variation is lacking here. It seems like you're getting used to how garage band loops work together, and that's cool, you've made a pretty good compilation here. The only thing is, these are a bunch of neat sounds kind of stapled together in a weird way.
This isn't great, but it definitely could have been a lot worse. I'd try mixing some of your own stuff in with the loops to make it more if an identifiable song. Too much GB not enough you.

MrGibins responds:

thnx for the comment, I'm working on some new stuff, i just figured I'd post it
Getting a usb cord for my guitar and a keyboard, should help me make some more original stuff

(some loser got front-paged with some magic garage band shit,) no work involved,)

This cool!

Generally I don't like having the same artist's music next to each other on my playlists, but this is an exception I'm willing to make! Nice work on everything, the melody is easy to follow yet it doesn't bore the listener. The drums are clear, crisp, and push the song forward without dominating or being dominated by the rest of the music. Filters are applied nicely, and the transition from Ep1 to Ep2 is good. The only trouble is that the same transition seems just a teensy bit repetitive from one song to the next, bringing your score alllllll the way down to a 9.95/10.
Yeah so I just clicked one pixel to the left of the edge of the last star, but I can only give you 10/10. Anyway, this is sweet, I'll be back to rate it again-- it's just that cool.

F-777 responds:

Wow thanks so much!!!
Im so glad you liked it =D!


This is cool!
I like the parts, but the development isn't quite as... forceful as it should be I think. But this is still really good.

Nice job.

Psycedelic responds:

Thanks a lot!

The Build Up is supposed to be like that, and I kinda like it that way.. But do you mean more bass/harder kicks?

I appreciate your review! Thanks for the Critizism!



When I had this game on my SP I used to just plug my headphones into it and listen to the music. It was so cool! Even now I can imagine all those guided missiles flying by me.
The only thing I don't like about this song is the filter that kind of cuts out the melody near the beginning.
So cool though. Did you make more? I'm going to look.

CyrusOfNaias responds:

I did exactly the same thing when I was younger lol, that friggin' awesome

yeys there's plenty more :3
thx m8


This is pretty good, but I think it would be better if the beat came in sooner around when you had the... part where you went down the scale rather quickly, and then got way more intense, because at that point it seems like the song is going to go somewhere cool, but it just slows down and comes into a sort of awkward buildup. Maybe you know the part that I'm talking about. You've got the good ideas in here, but I think if you just listened to it and tried to feel where the music is leading you as a listener (not as a composer) and work with that.
It's good, I like it, not perfect, not really close, but close enough for a 7. It'd be cool if you redid this a little.

Twistedtechnology responds:

thanks for the advice! sorry for the late response :( been busy.


I can't remember the last time I actually clicked on a new submission that was this good! Nice job with everything. It moves along nicely, has great depth, holds one's attention, and moreover kicks ass. It's hard to predict the melody, but the beat gives away the timing, making this a good dance track as well.


Armagelion responds:

Thnx for the review:D Very much appreciated! :)

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